Monday, June 23, 2008

Hard Day

Sunday was an emotionally hard day.

We visited several sites today.

We began the day by going to the wall. We visited a house which is surrounded on three sides by the wall. The family is not allowed to open the windows or shutters of the second floor. I walked around the house. We were told that if the family opens the shutters, they will be shot, or the house will be demolished. As I walked, I was in tears. This is no way to live, and it is so hot here.

We then visited the Greek Orthodox housing project, new appartment homes given to members of the Greek Orthodox church. The place has been there for more than ten years. In the past three years a new Israeli settlement was built very close by, and now the Greek Orthodox housing neighbourhood is in jepordy of being demolished. Our friend, Elias, is completing this appartment, it is in the final stages as he will be married on Sunday. It breakes my heart to know that all his labours could be demolished at any time.

In the afternoon we visited the Daheshia refugee camp. We learned that Daheshia means croweded in a language (I don't remember which language!), someone passed by the area in Bethlehem many years ago and commented upon the number of trees located there, it felt croweded. Today after 60 years of being a refugee camp, there are more than 11000 people living on less than a square mile area, talk about crowded! As we walked around the camp, my heart was crying because of the conditions people are living in. After ten years of living in tents, the United Nations helped the people to have 3m x 3m x 3m box rooms for houses... many times more than 12 people would live in the room/house together with no bathrooms, no electricity, and no kitchen... the restrooms were in areas where more than 100 people would share two toilets! Today, after 60 years, they live in bigger places, but this is not human diginity.

I have pictures, however, I am not able to post them at this time as they are on my laptop, and I have not found a place where I can have wireless access. The famliy home has a great computer with internet access, so I am able to post and check e-mail, etc. When I figure out the picture thing, I will add some to go along with the story.

I am now connected to the internet with my computer!!!  So I have loaded a few pictures to this update.



gail said...

Thanks for the post. Will keep you and the situation you described in prayer. It is sad to say the least.

Ellen said...

Thank you for your information and makes me sad to read about what you have seen. Good to know you made it there safely. Prayers and blessings your way. Ellen J

Jen said...

Wow, I can't imagine that type of living conditions. Thank you for showing us a piece of the world we do not know about.
~Jennifer Hovis, Theta Alum